Covid-19 Rules


It will come as no surprise that due to the current Covid-19 pandemic we are having to put in place extra measures for our pools and open water sites. Please read the following carefully before attending and adhere to all site rules (these and our normal rules) and instructions given by staff whilst diving with us. You are also asked to ensure that you adhere strictly to government and training agency guidelines.

Please do not come to any of our sites if you are suffering with any symptoms associated with Covid-19, flu, colds, if you feel unwell or if you have been in contact with anyone with symptoms or who has tested positive in the last 14 days.

General Rules

Numbers of people at the pool and lake to ensure safe social distancing. At the pools only divers are allowed on site unless it is a parent/guardian with a child. For spectators coming to the lake please stay at the viewing area away from the divers. Please wear a facemask if you are coming to one of the indoor pools. On arrival please rinse your hands with sanitizer and again when you leave. There will be a container with disinfectant to rinse your regulator mouth piece before and after the course.

All courses must be booked and paid for in advance.

In line with government guidelines, no groups of more than 6 students are allowed. If persons within the group are not from the same household, 1m+ social distancing must apply at all times.

All litter is to be removed from site.

There will be hand santiser at all locations so please help yourself.

For the time being please bring your own food and drinks to the lake, at the lake hot drinks will be available.

Toilets and Changing areas

The changing rooms at the lake will be closed until further notice. We suggest that you arrive with your swimwear under your clothes. At the pool you may use the changing rooms one person (or persons from the same household) at a time.

Please avoid crowding if using the toilets.

Please use hand sanitiser after using the toilet.